Monthly topics

voting for the youthVOTING FOR THE YOUTH  

edited by Rookshana Wilson 

Thank heavens, the election season has come and gone for the month of May! With a plethora of
campaigners reassuring us “exactly” why we should vote in their favor – telling us tales of how they
would improve the lives of many South Africans if they came into power – it is safe to say, the county
was a mess.
These campaigns and propaganda setups were evidently accompanied by a lot of resistance/Alongside
these campaign’s and propaganda setups came resistance. Resistance from individuals and communities
alike, vowing not to take part in these elections, as they believed that nothing has been and nothing will
be done to improve their lives and living conditions.

Because in essence, we all know politicians sell us dreams wrapped in boxes of misrepresentation, and
tied with bows of things we want to hear.
Thousands of young people chose not to register and cast their votes, as a result of this. Statistically as
presented by(insert reference), the number of new voters has dropped by 47% since our last general
election, despite the greater part of the South African society being individuals between the ages 18-29.
It’s CRAZY!!!

I for one know why I didn’t register to vote, and I know why I decided to spend my day catching up on
series I missed during the week instead of voting. My reasons were simple: I HONESTLY didn’t care
enough to tire my legs standing in a long queue, when I could be snuggled on my couch. And I was
DEFINITELY not going to put in all the effort of going out there to cast MY vote and STILL not have my
voice be heard.
Looking at those statistics, I knew I wasn’t the only one who had decided not to participate (as if I
doubted that huh!!!*smh*). And although my reasons were clear to me, I was a little curious about what
the rest of the South African Youth had decided on and why, so naturally I set out a plan to find out!!!

We went out into the streets of Braamfontein to speak to a few young people, to try find out if they
were part of the very small percentage who had decided cast their votes or if they were part of the
larger percentage who decided against it and more importantly: Why they made that decision?!
A great number of the young people we spoke to confirmed that they decided against this voting thing.
For various reasons of course, however not wanting to stand in those long queues, not trusting any of
the politicians, not believing that change would take place – regardless of the political party voted into
power – and the many complications of voting at the specific voting station where you were actually
registered, were among-st the most common reasons.

The reasons for why votes were not cast were obviously accompanied by questions.

The Youth of South Africa (well the minority we spoke to) Wanted To Know:
– In this day and age, why hasn’t the voting process gone digital yet?
– Will their voices actually be heard, or does the country have better things to listen to?
– Lastly, why is there not a database with pre-stored information of the voters – enabling them to
vote at any station of their choice?

Being part of the minority, I found myself asking the same questions. The more I thought about it, the
more I understood…that if I feel this way, with so many other young people sharing the sentiment…
I wonder what would actually happen if the youth stood together and decided to cast their votes. What
would happen if we all decided to play an active part in the election? What effect would we have on this
country? Surely one big enough to be heard right? We would have an effect enough to place someone
into power and take someone out of it!?
What would have happened if I actually decided to get up, stand in that queue and cast my vote?

Yes, I want to see the growth of our country – the economic freedom, the social justice, the job
creations, etc. etc. and I realize that in order for me to see this come to, I would actually have to stand
up and make my vote sometime. That If we want to see the growth of our land, we would have to get up
and make that change!!!
If we don’t feel like we are well represented by any of the present political parties, HECK! Let’s start our
own parties!!! And if we feel like we not being heard, then let’s make a loud enough roar that would be
impossible to ignore!!!

So to the youth of this country, yes there are a thousand things wrong with our country and yes, there
are a lot of things we still have to achieve but if we want to see the change take place, we going to have
to play a part in making sure that that change takes place. Therefore, I will definitely be taking a part in
the next general elections.Will you?



youth, inspire, encourage, create, innovate, southafrica, african, power, action, youth